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Funnies to Start the New Year With

Funnies to Start the New Year with

Laughter is always the best medicine, so why not start this new year, 2013, off with some smiles and chuckles. Nothing political – well, one kind-of is but not really. Please enjoy. Don’t forget to comment on which is your favorite on your way out!


Chicken doing a spot check


Funny photo captions little dog followed by big dog




Animated gif pug peeking around corner


Dog funny Corgi hits biscuit jackpot


A funny image with caption the Lion Sleeps tonight


Bike tire made from springs


Funny image with captions lizard hitting up person pet store


funny image how to catch cats use empty box


Funny photo captions cat running from ferret big mouse


Funny photo caption the irony of rustoleum


Funny photo lots of mini snowmen gathering to protest global warming news story


funny dog photo caption last time trusted you woke up without balls


Funny photo captions dogs driving cop act natural


Funny photo captions horse jumping sees spider


Funny photo loose bull people climb on windows


funny photo sex tape


Funny photo with captions bad tattoo artist


Funny photos with caption babies drunk took nose


Funny yahoo question man can only walk on the sun at night


He exists


Humorous photo funny caption bear at picnic table built with bear hands


Humorous photo funny caption bear at picnic table


Humorous photo funny caption bear doesn't need to shave legs


it's obvious who farted


Jedi Clampett


Osama bin Shoppin


Looks like he beat it with a stick!

Overweight man wearing tshirt he beat anorexia


Picture with funny caption squirrel and nut Use the force


rearview mirror replacement


Skype early prototype


that awkward moment time to bring the donuts


where's the dog

And last, but not least… LIKE THIS POST!

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  1. Thanks … they are amusingly interesting … it is a great way to start a new year ,,, Laughing Thanks …


  2. After looking them over I had a tough choice to make but I got it down to a tie, the lion (sleeps tonight) and cats in the box. As you can see, I lean toward cats of all sizes and yes…I’m going to you tube to hear The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
    Happy New Year Everyone.


    • There’s another one cruising the internet that is of Winnie the Pooh saying “Oh, bother.” Then below it someone captioned, “You said that in your head with my voice, didn’t you.” (or something like that) And it’s so true!


  3. 3rd place: the first one reminding me that i’m compulsively at this computer again.
    2nd place: i dare not say, SCOTCH TAPE ROCKS.
    1st place: that tattoo design brought tears of laughter!!!



  4. The cutest the snowmen protesting global warming and the puppy hiding in the mist of stuff animals.
    The one I stared at for a while was the man in the pool with his head off.
    The one that had me rotflmao was the mirror on the back of the station wagon. Wish I thought oflat when my kids were young.
    Thanks for the laughs. Great possibilities for 2013!


  5. I chuckled over all of them but LOL’d at the horse.

    The second one, “How I feel when cops are driving behind me” reminded to me of the night when I was driving back to OKC on the Interstate. I was tired, having made the round trip from OKC to Shreveport and back that day. Thirty miles out I noticed a cop behind me. Sit up straight, check the speed, be alert. Don’t do anything odd, keep to the right. He stayed behind me. I slowed slightly. What did he want? I slowed a little more … finally his lights came on and I pulled over. Why did he stop me? Because I started acting suspicious when he came up behind me. GAH! You can’t win!!


    • LMAO! No, you just can’t win. Whenever they’re behind me, I do a mental checklist… are the brake lights both working? Are my tags up to date? (oh, that reminds me… mine expire this month) Last year I renewed my tags but it was raining that day, so I didn’t put the new year sticker on. Plus it was only midway through January so I still had time. I put the sticker in the glove box…. and forgot all about it. It was finally last July I pulled it out and put it on. But every cop that got behind me before that made me feel this way. (the frame hides the year sticker so you have to actually go up to the tags to see it)


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