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Some of the Best Internet Memes on Mitt Romney

Gathered from the internet. If you are a supporter of Romney, I suggest you look away – but on second thought, read on and hope you become more educated in what this man is about, because he doesn’t care about you. Some memes are humorous – some are dead on serious, because Romney running for President is a very serious matter. He cannot win, else our country will collapse and the rich will prosper even more.

When a US citizen must show more tax returns to buy a home than a man who is running for President of the United States – and that man is refusing to show them – he most absolutely can NOT be trusted. It should be required that any candidate for POTUS must show at least 10 years of tax returns.






















  1. LOL! We decided saying you have reservations about the pending Olympics while being a guest in the country is like going to a wedding and when asked “Isn’t the bride beautiful in her dress?” replying, “She looks fat. When I had my wedding my dress was lovely and very slimming.” PFFT No matter what you really think you don’t spoil the wedding, you smile and say some nice platitude.


    • Romney tried puffing out his chest and declaring “I saved the Salt Lake City Olympics – I know EVERYTHING there is about running an Olympics.” No, Romney – you begged tax payers money from the government – and from what I understand, Olympic paperwork is missing just like your tax returns. He’s a dolt that should be ashamed of himself – but he never will be. He always sees himself as superior.


  2. “An Idiot Abroad”
    “He said what about London and the Olympics?”
    “Romney & Burns 2012 – Trust US”

    OMG Michelle, I’m literally ROFLMFAO!!!!


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