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I’m baaaack!

Wow! I did not realize it’s been very nearly three years since I last posted. Honestly, I burned out. In October 2012, I started a new job building websites – a specific type of websites – meetings, conventions, incentive trips, etc. for companies, business, organizations, and even a few personal sites. I did a site for a huge family reunion, for example. My sites contain information about that upcoming event as well as a registration form. And I LOVE IT!

But, after a few years of building sites all day long, I started to slow down with my posts here, as well as a dog-loving site I used to have – I took that one down. Over the years, fewer and fewer posts, and I just eventually hit maximum overload and stopped altogether. Although I left everything intact, still paying my WordPress charges, as I have always intended on returning. I do enjoy blogging. It has changed a LOT, though, so will need to relearn the back end and posting. Plus, have a lot of updating to do. Remove old categories, add new, etc. I’m penning this post using HTML as I don’t want to stumble around in the editor – looks like it has changed to being all widget-based.

Moving on….

Politics. Upcoming election. With all that is going on with politics and our government, specifically Congress, and the upcoming election, there are some very serious matters on hand that put our very country, our very freedom, at risk. No, I am not exaggerating, and those people who comprehend what has happened and what is happening within our government, I imagine completely understand and agree.

So I am back to discuss what’s going on, being the political-junkie that I am. I posts truths. I do not believe in conspiracy theories, although I will discuss them, primarily to expose them, ridicule them, and explain why they are, for the most part, impossibilities.

Me. Who, me? Yes, me.

I am rational in thought, always considering both sides of any given coin. Common sense and logic are my key elements of thought and reasoning. I like to think of myself as "Spock with emotions." Pretty much the opposite of what trump is. Which is why I will be posting a LOT about trump. As a rule, I do not rant – but sometimes it does feel good and is simply necessary for my existence. I will state when I suspect something – an opinion based on facts. I will never state anything as fact if it is not so no "Big Lie" from me will ever occur. Although, do keep in mind, I am human and will make mistakes, which will most likely me posting something I thought was fact but ended up not being so. Human error. Don’t hang me for being human.

Dogs, dogs, and even more dogs.

On a more personal note, I am down to three dogs now. Cassidy (my best-est friend), Geli Bean and Sydney. Cassidy and Geli are both Portuguese Water Dogs and Sydney is an Australian Shepherd (a rescue). Summer of 2022, I had to say goodbye to my special guy, Dork. He was a rescue, as well. He and his mother came as a pair (she died in 2015). Australian Shepherds, both almost totally white. Dork was a "lethal white" aussie, born completely deaf and blind in one eye and limited vision in the other. He was 15 when he passed and had a wonderful life. I’ll go into my dogs at a later time as I do have so much to tell.

I still share a house with a friend of mine. She’s a professional dog-person… groomer, shows, runs agility. Between her dogs and mind, we have a total of 12 dogs… I think. Hmmm…. Thor, Royale with Cheese, Snort, Tipsy, Brie, Angelica, Mac, and my three. That equals… 10! That’s right, we’ve lost a few recently. Old age. So, now down to 10 dogs in total. And three chickens. Two fishes. One parakeet.

Let’s wrap this up.

It is now time to go off to the races! I imagine most, if not all, of my followers have left so I’ll have to start over there.

If you like what you find here, I hope you return and stay for a while. If you are anti-trump, regardless of party affiliation, you will, most likely, agree with most of what I post about. If you are a trump-support, you’re welcome, too. I only ask that you keep comments rational. Please refrain from name-calling. Go to my Twitter account and post there if you want to call me names. Yes, I still call it "Twitter." "X" just doesn’t sound right – actually, it’s a ridiculous name and god-only-knows what Elon was thinking when he chose that name.

With my next post, I’m actually going to cheat. I’m posting something a co-follower on Twitter posted. It’s amazingly well-thought out and organized that I must share it. The topic is about the courts in Colorado removing trump from their primary ballot.

So, on that note… TTFN!

(I’ll be right back.)


Cassidy Geli Bean Sydney R.I.P.: Dork (L) & Mama (R)


  1. Good news.

    Crimes, I’m just sort of back, wandering back through link still active. Older than ever, (calculating)…in a few months, I’m 86 on the outside. You’re back, now, too.

    OK, sorting what I do and when and, of course, this will be a primary stop. Bye for now.


  2. Welcome back, stranger. You’ll have plenty to write about between now and November.
    I didn’t see a date on this post until I got to the comments. Might I suggest you add one somewhere? Or maybe I missed it.
    Anyway, fasten your seatbelt. It’s going to be a wild year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! The date wasn’t on. When I was previously posting, over 3 years ago (heehee), I turned off including the date for some reason which I can no longer remember. So, turning the date back on. Glad to be back.

      One thing I need to work on is the time I use posting. I want to get back to posting a couple a day, but I tend to – no, I always take too long. Forever editing, revising, reformatting, finding the perfect image, editing the image, re-editing, re-write half of it…… I just cannot write, review, fix errors then post. I’m such a perfectionist (not saying my posting are perfect b/c they’re not… but what, exactly, IS a perfect post? anyway, you used to be an editor so you know what I mean)…. that when I review my post, there is ALWAYS something that can be changed to make it better. Always. I have to learn to tell myself, “Stop, Michelle. This is good. Publish the sucker so you can get back to your real job – you’re getting seriously behind!”


      • Uh, yeah, I was going to mention that. I’ve been here the whole time and I struggle mightily to learn and keep up with all of WP’s “improvements.” (Or it could just be I’m getting old and learning new stuff is getting more difficult.)


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