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May the Fourth Be With You

For the past couple of days, as well as today, I have been seeing posts about May 4th being “Star Wars Day.” Okay, good, yay (I’m still not getting it)… but finally, I snapped. May 4th –> May the Forth –> May the forth be with you (May the force be with you).

Hey, it only took some googling and looking it up in Wikipedia for the neurons to finally spark in my brain and make the punny connection… And no, I haven’t been celebrating 4/20 every day, but that’s another topic.

How did this start? Well, glad you asked. It’s actually a pretty good story… According to Wikipedia, in a 2005 interview on German news TV channel N24, George Lucas was asked to say the famous sentence “May the Force be with you.” The interpreter simultaneously interpreted the sentence into German as Am 4. Mai sind wir bei Ihnen (“We shall be with you on May 4”). This was captured by TV Total and aired on May 18, 2005.

So, in honor of “May the fourth be with you” day, here is Darth Vader and a few of his storm trooper groupies dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Following the video are some funnies about Star Wars.

Oh, yeah… video starts just over three minutes into it for this dance. This was actually some fun Star Wars Dance contest, but the first two are a bit lame.  Well, apparently I cannot embed a video to start at a certain time, so for the best of the three, jump to 3 minutes and 15 seconds….


Image by Anthony Herrera,








I think they need to add Gollum to make this complete…




Not sure where I have been, but there are obviously Star Wars May 4th parties all over the universe…


May the fourth be with you!



  1. Posted my ‘Fourth’ pic last night on FB around 1:00 am. Love the ones you found! Think I should post mine for the hell of it? -it is not an original via my PhotoShop skills but I did dig it.
    Oh, and have had the ‘dance off’ bookmarked on my desktop for several years. Too funny to lose and you rock for remembering, had forgotten all about it.


      • never heard the translation error story. Pretty sure my geeky friends were using it long before then.
        Not that I don’t love the first three Star Wars movies 😉


        • Seriously? I love them all! Of course, what I grew up with will always have that special spot in my heart, but the last 3 released has awesome special effects (LOL.. and when the very very first one came out, we thought THAT was awesome), plus they help the story all fit together. But I cannot watch them in chronological order because then I go from current special effects to days of old… and it just doesn’t work for me.


  2. I heard a passing reference to Star Wars Day sometime this week and meant to look it up. Had never heard of it before. Now all I can do is groan at the explanation. Still, it’s good to finally be in the loop … wherever it is.


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