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Was NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre Deferred from Vietnam Due to a Nervous Disorder?

This image came across Facebook the other day, and I think it definitely helps explain LaPierre’s nutty actions. Unfortunately, there is no source reference given in this image. But hey, the wonderful thing about the internet is a simple search. So off to Google I go. But what I found completely shocked me…. I found almost nothing. 

le pierre mentally illAccording to a few comments I found, LaPierre apparently pulled lottery #97 in 1969 as a campus radical at SUNY-Albany, but weaseled out by getting a family doctor to claim he had a nervous disorder. (According to a comment in a Snopes’ thread.)

The most information I could find was an article published online by The Miami Herald on July 25, 2012, called “The door has been slammed on gun debate.” That’s it. A few comment threads from people hearing about this info and looking for some sort of verification. Snopes just recently added this to their site as “Undetermined” probably due to that Snopes’ comment thread mentioned above asking if LePierre did receive this deferment.

Now, think about this…. With gun control and the mass shootings being the prime topic in the news for months now, and LePierre’s insane press release he gave after the Newtown massacre, something like this should be nearly viral by now on the internet. Even if this is not true, it’s juicy gossip. Hundreds of sites and blogs would pick this up and run like the wind with it. The Miami Herald article should have set this tidbit on fire, but it didn’t.

About a week ago is when I saw this graphic and started looking for more information. I searched through Google’s search engine, Duck Duck Go, and Bing. A lotta nada. More came up about Romney and Vietnam than did about LaPierre and ‘Nam. The internet is clean of this rumor, but that in-and-of-itself is more suspicious than if there were hundreds of articles online.

Too clean.

Personally, I don’t think LaPierre is playing with a full deck, and if information like this is true, it would potentially be very damaging to LePierre’s reputation as it could potentially place him in the database he wants to enforce. Not that myself and millions of others hold his reputation in high regard anyway. From LaPierre’s point of view, though, a fact like this is something he definitely would not want the public to know….

So I have to wonder if the NRA has done some house-cleaning on the internet….

It is just too clean.

But it does explain a lot about this man….


  1. Yeah, I agree, the man is not playing with a full deck. I don’t put a lot of stock in reports about Vietnam deferments. People were claiming anything and everything to dodge the draft. And no one cared because we all agreed the war was stupid and no one should have to die in it.


    • Getting out of the war doesn’t surprise me for a politician. Most of them are not fighting material. But for a gung-ho gun-lover… and he recently stated that people with mental disorders shouldn’t own guns rather contradicts his own diagnosis to get out of ‘Nam. But it’s the lack of articles on the internet that bugs me. Some anti-gun people are really radical. Just as bad as some pro-gun people. I would have thought they would have made a huge deal about this info.


    • They are. I have them in my hand. He started out with a status of 2S (student deferment) from ’68 thru ’70, then on 8/18/71 he was declared NQ (Not Qualified) on 3/15/72 he was classified 4F. No record of WHY he was 4F.


  2. The bios I found are pretty sketchy. Seems he was born, went to school, got his deferment then spent the rest of his life in the NRA. You’d think such a public figure would have a bit more background than that.


    • Yeah, but then there’s Barack Obama. How much do you know about HIM besides what he wrote in his TWO autobiographies? You’d think such a public figure would have a bit more background than that.
      As far as the gun control debate is concerned LaPierre’s past is irrelevant. The FACT is we have a God given(not government given) RIGHT to bear arms. The federal government is supposed to defend and PROTECT that right( along with our other unalienable rights), not try to take them away. When they try to take them away they are no longer a legitimate constitutional government. they are crossing over into a tyranny. THAT is why the second amendment is SO important and why the NRA even exists. If it weren’t for people like Obama and MOST of his party the NRA may not be necessary, but there will always be people like them so there will always be a need for the NRA or some other group(s) like it.


      • OMG… Obama has very little to nothing to do with this. He’s not done one thing towards gun control. The state’s have, and Obama wants to see more done – which is what the majority of the citizens want.

        This is in NO WAY taking away anyone’s 2nd Amendment rights. There is not a damn thing wrong with putting limitations on what may be purchased by a civilian – and military assault rifles with 100-round magazines was not made for Joe-Schmo. It’s a killing machine for wartime.

        Perfect example… the First Amendment. Right to free speech. There are rules and restrictions on that. Cannot say “fuck” and “cunt” plus others on regular TV channels and public radio now can we. Same thing. We are not being denied our right to free speech. But some common sense has been used.

        Now if LaPierre would have his way, then there would be zero rules, laws, restrictions, etc. Then what’s to say that wouldn’t be a precedence to remove any and all laws regarding free speech? Then let’s put a documentary of a brothel on during kiddee hour. Free speech. They want kids to know what the real world is right. So the talk about fucking, sucking, anal sex, probes, whips, chains, etc.

        The majority of voters just want so common sense laws put into place. We used to have a background checks for any and everyone before they could buy a gun. I had no idea that this wasn’t required at gun shows until recently. No WAY this should happen. No WAY!!!

        Obama is NOT wanting to take away all guns, so get over it. And about the two autobiographies? So tell me… how many autobiographies of all the presidents prior to Obama are there… and have you read them all?


        • It’s not just the position on various rules, but the rhetoric and reasoning behind those rules. The fanaticism behind the position eliminates the chance for moderation and reasonable compromise. Plus, the hypocrisy; demonizing mental health, but using it as an excuse to avoid the chance to go use your precious rifle to kill brown people (after WW2, that’s all we’ve done in our “wars”), is hardly a quality I respect in my leaders. PS- if 92% of the world believes in g-d (stated below) then isn’t it evidence that there is NO one, “true” g-d? That’s not 92% Christian. Not 92% Muslim. It’s a human fabrication. A construct to cope with LIFE. There is no one, single truth. Only YOUR truth…..which is NOT a basis by which to subjugate others.


        • You made no sense. Step down to the everyday level of English, otherwise your words are meaningless if very few people understand what you’re saying (and I’m a Mensan — not exactly stupid, although I have done stupid things, but that’s another story).


        • Assault rifles have been illegal to own without a federal permit since 1934. If you don’t know the difference between that term and the meaningless “assault weapons”, you really shouldn’t be writing about guns at all.


      • Oh, yeah. Almost forgot… I’m an atheist – as is about 30% of the US population now. We don’t believe in god therefore there is no god-given right. But I’m curious about what you said…. please, where in the bible – the biggest hoax of man – did god state it is our right to carry firearms?


        • 92 percent of people world wide believe in god. And the majority of people dont believe in more restriction but more enforcement. Just because a majority believes that background checks are needed doesnt mean they are for banning anything. You are not the majority. What makes you an expert in firearms? You have the right to say what you want but should YOU speak on a topic you know nothing about? The areas in the states that have the most strict gun control also have the highest gun violence rates. Right and left wing extremist people, like yourself, are the. Your beliefs are at best delusional. You actually believe your part of the majority, reinforcing your desire spew this dribble. Your ego is more of a threat to our country than guns. Keeping you away from computers and typewriters should be a goal for our current administration.


        • Most people who are atheists are often “on the cusp” or just keep quiet about it. Why? Because many christians are so troublesome and bigoted. So when surveys, poll, etc. and completed, many atheists just check off the religion that they were either raised under, or their is their spouses religion. Atheism is on the rise, but is no where near a significant percentage worldwide. That’s okay. This isn’t a contest. I realized the truth a few decades ago and thus enjoy life so much more than before. I make moralistic decisions because of having high integrity, not because a book or a preacher tells me to do so. Feels a thousand times better this way.

          As far being an expert in firearms? I never said I was. In fact, I really don’t know too much about them. But I have common sense and why does anyone need to carry a automatic assault rifle with a 100-round magazine in it? They don’t. To protect their family? Oh, puhleeeze. Give me a break on that one. So far everyone that has protected their home, their own self and/or their family by using a firearm did not use an assault rifle – and they did just fine. Two bullets will stop someone just as well as 100 bullets.

          We won’t see a ban on these, unfortunately. The NRA has too much power. Sad. We are no longer a democracy but an oligarchy.

          The correlation between strict laws and higher crime rates? Until all states have tightened up on their gun laws, these numbers mean very little. It’s too easy to go to a neighboring state, buy firearms at a gun show, and/or from some Joe Schmo.

          So you think my ego is more of a threat to our country than guns? Damn right it is! Because I see and understand the truth and use the internet to pass on the word and help educate people as well as educating myself. I don’t know everything and I never will. But damn, I love learning – and that includes learning from my mistakes.

          In regards to keeping me away from computers and typewriters (do they still exist?)… HA! good luck on that one. I build websites. Unlike you, I don’t want you to be banned from the internet and from sharing your beliefs as you are the perfect example of ignorance and closed-minded behavior in our country.

          End of story.


        • Perhaps Matthew is trying to do a Ted Nugent impersonation. Ted’s words about how he was so wily in convincing everybody he was crazy really soulds WAY crazier than any of the mental patients that I have dealt with.


        • ryan most people in the world believe in A god not necessarily yours. Also if you don’t believe in their god you wont be going to heaven. On that theory heaven is empty.


      • Owning a firearm is not an inalienable right. It can and does get taken away. Felons are not allowed to own firearms. If it was inalienable everyone would be able to own one. You need to study up on your grammar and spelling too.


      • Drew, you’re a total moron. The right to bear arms IS a government right not a God given one. You show Me The book, chapter and verse where God gave anyone the right to bear arms.


      • Dude, wow, you’re all kinds of scary “crazy”! It’s been around three years since you posted that balderdash, so statically you are already dead or in prison due to your own weapon(s).


  3. All ya gotta do is listen to him and you find out all you need to know about him….. and about alot of other people in this country who want to believe his rhetoric


  4. What is your stance on a .1%er, notice the decimal point, legislating HIS will!?
    Outlaw the Big Gulp but not the ability to purchase separately the same amount or more, while your HS graduates are graduated with sub-par reading ability!??
    Or howabout cancel Whitehouse tours but give $500 MILLION to a terrorist organization committing acts of ethnic cleansing!!???


  5. I recently graded a paper that began with the sentence: “The Second Amendment has existed for thousands of years and doesn’t need to be changed now.” This from a high school senior with multiple awards, including Student of the Month. Not sure if it scares me more on the education or gun rights level, but either way it made me laugh, then want to cry.


    • What ARE you referencing? Automatic assault weapons are not referenced in this post. In fact none of those three words “automatic,” “assault” and “weapons” are mentioned in the article. I mention automatic assault rifles in a comment, but that’s it – oh, and I clearly state that I do not know much about firearms. I think it looks like you are the one that needs to learn how to do some research. Oh, here. To help you out, here is a video which nicely explains the difference between semi-automatic and fully automatic:


  6. The following is what I have been sending out to the media since 1991:

    The head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre was my best friend from 1965-72. He lies about where he went to college his junior and senior years (1969-71) in order to hide his left-wing political activity and illegal drug use. He claims he went to Siena all four years, but he went to S.U.N.Y.–Albany the third and fourth years. I rode from Virginia to Albany with him in 1969.
    He was on the Moratorium Committee which shut down SUNY-Albany in May 1970, after Kent State killings and revelation of taking war into Cambodia.
    He totally agreed with the Chicago Eight (Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, Lee Weiner, and Bobby Seale). They were heroes to him. Tom Paxton, Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez, Woody Guthrie, and Phil Ochs were, too.
    In the summer of 1972 I went to the draft physical with him. He had a low lottery number, meaning he would definitely be drafted and sent to Nam later in the year. But he said he got a friendly family doctor to say (falsely) that he had a nervous condition, and thus got a deferment.
    Contrary to what he says now, he never touched a gun before he was 24 and always said how much he hated the ‘gun nuts’. He is afraid of anyone who knew him his first 24 years.


  7. The following is what I have been sending out to the media since 1991:

    The head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre was my best friend from 1965-72. He lies about where he went to college his junior and senior years (1969-71) in order to hide his left-wing political activity and illegal drug use. He claims he went to Siena all four years, but he went to S.U.N.Y.–Albany the third and fourth years. (This section of his Wikipedia page says:”Needs Citation”). I rode from Virginia to Albany with him in 1969.

    He was on the Moratorium Committee which shut down SUNY-Albany in May 1970, after Kent State killings and revelation of taking war into Cambodia.

    He totally agreed with the Chicago Eight (Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, Lee Weiner, and Bobby Seale). They were heroes to him. Tom Paxton, Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez, Woody Guthrie, and Phil Ochs were, too.

    In the summer of 1972, I went to the draft physical with him. He had a low lottery number (d.o.b. Nov 8, 1948), meaning he would definitely be drafted and sent to Nam later in the year. But he said he got a friendly family doctor to say (falsely) that he had a nervous condition, and thus got a deferment.

    Contrary to what he says now, he never touched a gun before he was 24 and always said how much he hated the ‘gun nuts’. He is afraid of anyone who knew him his first 24 years.


      • Only 4 high school year books. I had a few of us at Daytona Beach, but they got lost in the 33 years since. People didn’t really take many photos back then. Except for maybe an event such as Thanksgiving.

        Like I keep saying, he can’t answer why he was not drafted. I also notice that Wikipedia says “Citation Needed” for his early years including education degree from Siena. That’s difficult if your junior and senior years were Political Science at SUNY-Albany.

        A reporter from the Albany paper told me that the SUNY does not have any record of Wayne going there. He also said they don’t have any record of HIM going there and he went there 4 years with a degree. Siena is a private school and will not reveal such information. But Siena has never actually acknowledged he got a degree there—like the small awards a school with give to famous people.

        Wayne will have nothing to do with anyone who knew him the first 24 years. He is afraid of them. The evening I was with him and his wife in 1977, he said I was the sports editor of the school paper and we played playground basketball together. After a movie, he nervously said they had to go. His wife looked shocked.


        • I think Wayne is a psychopath and the perfect example of who should NOT be allowed to own, carry or use a gun. He has done a lot of work to hide his past – and has done a damn good job at it, too. That’s the thing, though. There isn’t enough of a past – almost like he didn’t exist. That should raise flags. He is one of the few people that gives me shiver as I picture a malevolent shadow hovering and taking over LaPierre’s body, mind and soul.

          I am an atheist, but he is what I would think of as the epitome of the devil. Very powerful, and very dangerous.


      • BTW, I have never said that Wayne was insane or had a disorder. He was pretty normal. (Except for being a weasel and a skunk after he was 24.) I am saying that he got a friendly family general practitioner to say that he had a “nervous condition” and this got him the deferment. According to Wayne. And according to Wayne it was not true that he had a nervous condition. Not even a one-valium-a-day condition.


        • It sounds like he was a pretty typical guy back then. But something obviously happened and now he has the textbook characteristics of a psychopath.


      • Hey, I think Drew and Ryan might be able to communicate with each other. They are similar in their incomprehensibility.
        Read my post below.


  8. AL,
    Everything I have posted above is 100% true. Without a doubt, his birthday is Nov 8, 1948. Google what lottery number that would give him. Google if his number was called up. He has never said whether he was called and why he did not go. He says he got a degree in “Education” at Siena. But Siena does not give a degree in “Education”. For instance, you would major in “history” and then get a teaching certificate. He says he got a graduate degree at BC in “Government”, but that is not the name of any graduate degree at BC. Siena and BC are private and will not release information.

    I have done many searches and have not found anyone (other than me) who says they went to school with him. I could give you the names of 300 people who went to high school with him. He mentions one from Roanoke, but the guy is at least six years younger than him and has worked for the NRA.

    I have never said that he was or is “crazy”, but that he lies in order to hide his past. And he doesn’t believe anything he has said since 1977. It’s just what he needs to say to have the position. When you are in that situation for decades, you appear “crazy”.


    • And there is such good blogging material this year. Problem is that Trump is so nauseating that I have a very difficult time thinking about him, writing about him, anything about him. His lies and deceptions are thick and then to have so many people believe him. I can say there have been many people I don’t like, but I rarely hate anyone. Not so with Trump. I hate him and wish he would just fade away into the background and ultimately disappear.


  9. The first problem he has is he is a first class fool. His leadership of other fools in their membership is in keeping with foolish actions. Add to that his idiocy on gun control defies logic. How can a man witness the carnage brought about by guns and dismiss gun control, only shows his degradation into sub-human territory. They have recently had a change of leadership, most probably brought about by the rumors of his mental state. Remember too, this fool is a friend of Trumps.


    • Hello Terry, I have been trying to get the media to report these contradictions about Wayne for at least 28 years. They say I don’t have enough evidence or I have my own agenda, etc. But these are empirical things I bring up
      Every single time there is a bio, written by him or the NRA or the media, it says he got a degree in “Education” from Siena. Siena always says they have never had a degree in “Education”. Therefore, someone is lying. And it’s not Siena that’s lying. Why would anyone lie about that?
      To hide his left-wing activity and drug use his junior and senior years at S.U.N.Y.–Albany (as it was called then).

      He won’t communicate with me nor any of the friends we had in Roanoke, VA. The only person he will mention in interviews is NINE years younger than him and has worked for the NRA as a lobbyist. An eighteen-year-old paling around with nine-year-old?? Is that believable?

      You may have read Ollie North is the new President of the NRA. Wayne is the CEO and head of lobbying.

      All his bios say he was born Nov 8, 1949. This is False. He was born in 1948. If he was born 11-8-49, Then he would not be in the Patrick Henry H.S. class of 1967. This lie is to confuse when he would be called up in the draft. I was with him at the draft physical in Roanoke the summer of 1972. He had a low number. But he told me that he got a friendly family doctor to say he had a nervous condition. He also told me it was not true.
      Feel free to write me again.



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