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Some of the Best Facebook Posts from 2012

End of the year is almost here and it’s time to reflect back on the happenings of 2012. I will have to admit, though, “The Best of Facebook” is a category that I never thought would exist. With the enormous popularity of Facebook combined with Facebook’s stock market failure, the name “Facebook” has become a household name. So why not pay homage to this website which draws both love and hate? 

I have searched through several sites and pulled what I feel are the best. I hope you do, too, and I did save my favorite one for last. Even if you are not a “Facebooker,” there are some great posts and comments here. Let the fun begin….


One category of posts come from not logging out….

The “confession.”

Funny Facebook post caught cheating and victim posts as cheater


Bryan needs to find another line of work. He’s not very good at stealing.

Funny Facebook post dropped phone when stealing tv from walmart message from police


No comment. I don’t want to ruin this erotic story.

Funny Facebook post left facebook logged in at office


Yes, Karma is a bitch, and most definitely can be your best friend.

Funny Facebook post logged into FC on stolen phone


Is mom’s comment because she knows her daughter very well? Or because she doesn’t know her very well?

funny facebook post someone took daughters phone


This is my second favorite. Sometimes revenge is best when it is done so smooooothly.

Funny Facebook post to guy who stole phone


There are photos on Facebook that are priceless to some,
and then there are the photos that offer complete and total humility to others.

Yeah, a bit gross, but hilarious!!! (FYI… the image is sideways)

funny facebook post girl menstruating while on guys shoulder at concert


Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But at least Jesse figured it out.

funny christmas f


Sam definitely got to meet “complete and total humility” with this accidental post….

Funny Facebook Post uploaded wrong picture-is nude


Sometimes, a new species appears on Facebook!

Funny Facebook post man parrot on dad's arm


And then there are the parents….

James need to tutor his father….

Funny Facebook post dad posting about grandma's diahrea


Father knows best….

Funny facebook post father knows best


Sometimes the parents “zing” their kids better than their friends do….

Funny Facebook post mom comment virginity under pile of dirty socks


Don’t worry, Tammy-mom. I had to google search that “b” word, too. It definitely fit Brent’s description of “b”-icing.

funny facebook post what kind of cake for fathers birthday


A timely post.

funny facebook post if the world doesn't end on dec 21 lot's of babies born in sept


The best of the rest of the Facebook posts of 2012. Read ’em and weep.

Kyle makes a very good point here…
funny facebook post who named trojan condoms remember trojan horse

The nose knows….

Funny Facebook post fart made the world end


Busted by a FB friend

Funny Facebook post three girls in guys shower and he's on facebook posting


Oops, wrong page.

Funny Facebook post love you posted on Taco Bell love you back


Looks like it’s time for Randy to change his profile pic.

Funny Facebook post relationship status change girlfriend caught with other men


What are best friends for…

Funny Facebook post talked about twilight all night


Does this one even have a brain?

Funny Facebook post hate it when people open a youtube account and upload videos on it


Then on the other end of the IQ spectrum – I’m VERY impressed!

Funny Facebook car broke down next to pizza place


Now, drum roll please! I have saved my favorite one for last. This is a long one, but worth it. I love the dry, cynical sense of humor Jeff portrays. It is important to read and make note of every post in this thread as they were included for a reason.

Funny Facebook post tripped and fell into a bottomless hole


Happy Place: The 50 most brilliant, obnoxious, or delightfully sociopathic Facebook posts of 2011.
Dump a Day: 20 Funny Facebook Status Updates
Regretful Morning: Humorous Facebook Status Updates
Lamebook website


  1. What can I say? I’m totally verklempt! All I can do at this point is wish everyone a wonderful holiday, whatever way you celebrate. Be happy, healthy and safe in the new year. 🙂 Helen


    • Glad you enjoyed them! If you think some of these were crude, you definitely wouldn’t want to see what I didn’t post. I do draw the line and some went far beyond it.


  2. In Chicago on standby for a geek project for Y2K, we went through pretty much the same pizza stunt. No car; but, buses and cabs had stopped running.

    Gave the pizza delivery guy a helluva tip.


  3. Haven’t even had time to read this, because I’m late for dinner with my wife and soon to be in the shit if I don’t get a move on it fast – but I will read later, and I know I’m going to love it! 🙂 Sorry I vanished Michelle, but honestly nothing to do with you, and everything to do with this time of year, among other complications. Read my post from today and it will explain a lot… It’s a real first.

    Happy almost New Year, Michelle – my admiration and affection for you has not diminished in the least, and very soon I’ll be back to prove it. Take care!


    • You vanished?? Hell, I vanished from my own site. LOL… well, partially. I post a couple times per week, but not near what I used to do. And I haven’t been able to keep up with the sites I follow, either. Like yours (she says sheepishly). I have the email notifications to remind me, but been too busy to take the time. New job, love it, keeping me busy, though. Hope all is well there, and I’m still online all the time since I build sites all day and night, I just don’t blog as much as I used to do.


      • I kinda vanished from my own site for a while, too. Life offline has been ultra-busy in a variety of ways for a couple months now, and I can’t keep up with most of the blogs that I follow, either. Great to hear that you have a new job that you love, and sounds like even though you aren’t blogging as much, you are keeping busy doing what you really enjoy, so I’m happy for you. 🙂

        Things are mostly OK here. My Dad continues to deteriorate and he’s getting noticeably worse, but we’ve known for a long time now that’s inevitable, and honestly, the only thing that surprises me at this point, is that he’s not far more worse than he is, or no longer with us. It’s been four years now, and I didn’t think he’d hang in there this long. Still very hard to watch at times, but we deal with it…

        Jean’s “new” job is a real challenge but she’s hanging in there and keeping up with it. Worst thing is that after being able to work from home via online 3 days a week for 8 years in her former job, now she has the slow moving heavy traffic commute from hell 5 days a week, and that’s very hard for her – It would be hard for anyone, including me. But at least she’s being paid well, and a lot more than from her former employer, so that’s a big plus.

        And that’s the news from here… Now I’m going to actually comment on your post! Lol 🙂


  4. Guess that because it’s almost 5 AM here and I’ve been unable to sleep almost all night, that the photos made the most humorous impression on me. The first one you referred to as “gross” got the biggest laugh out of me, because I had no idea what the red stain was, other than looking somewhat like blood, but I couldn’t make sense of why he’d have a blood stain there… until I read why, and with the sudden shock of what kind of stain it really was, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud! Lol 😀

    Also laughed at the next one, with the hapless guy who really posted the WRONG picture – which was all the more funny to me, because t saw the exact same mistake happen around 2 years ago on another blog site, and that poor SOB was also freaking out cause he couldn’t figure out how to delete his wrong photo either! Lol – Gawd! Some guys are really lame ass stupid! Lol 🙂

    Fun post Michelle! 🙂


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