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Santa and other Christmas funnies, fails, photos and videos

For the past few weeks, I have been saving the better, more humorous Santa and Christmas related funnies, photos, fails and videos.  Well, the time has come to post these before it’s too late.  So grab your milk and cookies, or spiked Eggnog, and enjoy!

I have to admit, I’d react the same way.  It’s Christmas time… give me the sugar, the butter and all the calories and fat, please!  And I’ll be back for seconds.


A Christmas Wish He Can’t Refuse


Rough night last night, Santa???


Scarface’s version of a snowman…


Too bad he had to remove this.  Hilarious!


Can we say, “Honey… you need to take some Anger Management.”


A couple featuring Santa on Facebook…


Too bad this isn’t a movie because I would love it!


A Santa suit FAIL!


Times, they are a changin’…


This is what happens if you send text messages while driving, er, uh… flying…


And in Tokyo we have….


For those Calvin & Hobbes fans (like me)…


Is it me, or does this Santa kind of look like a young Luke Skywalker in the very first released Star Wars…


And speaking of Star Wars…

Here we have a female elf audition where Star Wars meets Kill Bill with the closing scene featuring a drop of Raiders of the Lost Ark…


Santa says, “That’s it!  I’m done!  Get this brats off of me!  No Christmas bonus, well, #%&%*! you!”


So, what’s with the fake whiskers all over his face?  Or did he just dunk his face in a pie tin full of whipped cream?


Just who in the hell are these guys???


According to my extensive Wikipedia-based research, this video is representative of the tradition of the Krampus figure in Austrian and Alpine-European folklore. Krampus, usually portrayed as a demonic figure, accompanies Santa and punishes children by stuffing them in a sack and taking them back to his lair to be eaten. Every year young men in Austria dress as Krampus and parade around town, frightening children with rusty chains chains and elaborate costumes, tormenting them with the prospect of being eaten alive on Christmas day.


Santa Claws….




When elderly snowmen go to bed…


Creative Christmas decorating…


If they only knew….


Okay, this isn’t anything humorous, but I thought it was too cute not to post…


I’d love to see this in action!


And last, but not least, a creative interactive video.  Just wait for the boxed caption to appear to make your choice and then you will be taken to the next video based on your choice.



And fight SOPA so that posts like this may continue to exist!!!



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