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Religion is Like A Penis… | T-Shirts and More For Sale

Click on image to view full size.

In the bottom left of my footer, I have had a humorous image there for months now which says:

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one.
It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Rachel from YoYo-Dyne loved it so much she posted it on her site. Somewhere along the way, a comment was made that this would be a great t-shirt. Bing! Lightbulb appears above Michelle’s head here. Why not? I’ve been busy for nearly eight months now creating dog t-shirts and products which I will eventually launch in another month or so. I have rather been sidetracked, though, with blogging, especially with the Republican candidacy. In addition to my health slowing down my progress. I have had plans to do geeky and fun stuff as well, once the doggie stuff was done. But why not go ahead and create these now? This has been one of my most clicked on images on my site….

So, here we go. Available in t-shirts, mouse pads, mugs, iPhone cases, laptop sleeves, etc. I left the items open to customization, so you may change any shirt to a different style and color, mens or ladies. Same with the electronic sleeve, you can choose 10″, 13″ or 15″ (the sleeve now, not the… oh, you know…).

More will be coming in this store. And when the doggie stuff is done, I will announce it, and will all be on a totally different site built entirely to market. This post is just temporary until my other sites are completed.

Click on either the image or the title to go view the item listed for sale.

Religion is like a penis…
Black multiple fonts design Women’s

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
Black multiple fonts design Men’s

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
Coffee mug multiple fonts design

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
Poster with multiple fonts design

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
Mouse pad with multiple fonts design

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
Gel mouse pad with multiple fonts design

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
Jigsaw puzzle with multiple fonts design

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.

Religion is like a penis…
iPhone cover with multiple fonts design

Style, color and size completely customizable.

Religion is like a penis…
It is fine to have one. It is fine to be proud of it.
But please do not whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE do not try to shove it down my children’s throat.



        • What’s “TM”? I’ll play around and see what else I can come up with. With so many words and not wanting to include graphics, it was more difficult that I thought it would be. I lean towards more original fonts, but not too off-the-chain. I get bored so easily with the same ol’ Arial, Calibri etc. I downloaded, oh, around 500 or so. Which at the time I thought was cool… but then going through that many fonts is a pain in the ass. I’ve been meaning to make a master file for serifs, san serifs, script, and creative fonts…. but just haven’t yet. That’d be quite an undertaking.


  1. great idea! are they now for sale then? also, bumper stickers…and i sorta think the “Religion is like a Penis” maybe should be on the horizontal to be more easily seen and maybe more inviting to then read the rest. i dunno…that’s my 2 cents. terrific tho’. continue…


  2. Aww…and I was looking forward to calling NAME names too…
    But mostly because I’m having a bad day and I’m pretty sure they’re a deserving target..

    Good mod, She!


    • LOL… you saw it. Yeah, I am a firm believer in being open with anyone expressing their opinions, but that one was just too angry and hateful. I approved it at first then changed my mind. That’s NOT what this site is about. Open, respectful discussion – not hate. Plus… where does it say here that I’m an atheist? I do happen to be, but I’m not promoting atheism. I know many Christians who feel the same way about this saying. They believe, but want it kept within their own family. Plus, this is my site. I am NOT going to any theistic persons’ site and spouting off about atheism. Absolutely not. In fact, I support respect those who believe in their religion. All I ask is the same in return. That person was just a crazy troll. Probably one that went nuts right before Campings prediction that went around posting “The end is near” all over the place.


      • I couldn’t agree with you more, and some of the best late night conversations I’ve had have been with friends who are devout one way or the other, exchanging ideas or explaining their positions without being jerks.
        (I’m probably agnostic.)

        You are definitely the bigger person in this one!


        • Thanks. Hell, I was married to a devout Catholic and would attend church with him. Although I had already read quite a bit about Catholicism, it’s not the same as experiencing it. I have to admit, there was a sense of awe and peace when I would go with him – but not in a theistic manner for me. More just the aura from those around me who do believe. And that made many of those people whole, and I could feel it from them. Didn’t make me believe, but doesn’t mean I can’t share their feelings.


        • One of my best friends is a priest. Caveat: he has been in a committed relationship with one of my closest friends from college, for more than 20 years, Trust me, they were both way over 21 when meeting.
          I’ll never throw stones. They love each other.
          We have spent many a night discussing any and all forms of theology. Jerry Rocks! (btw my college friend’s name is Tom). you cannot make this shit up -grin-


        • Interesting…. The Catholic Church really needs to catch up to modern times. Their “laws” were written during what life was like then. Life evolves and so must religion.


  3. What happened to the Angry Troll (TM)?
    Have never heard an atheist or agnostic ‘spew’ their beliefs on anyone. Opposed to the cretins who disrupt my day with their ‘The End is Near’ pamphlets.
    This is why I ave a chalk outline of a silhouette drawn on my porch.
    Respect everyone’s beliefs. May not agree but am intelligent to keep my damned mouth closed.
    If it brings solace and peace ( PLAGUE! LOCUSTS! AN EYE FOR AN EYE! KILL THE INFIDELS! DEATH TO QUEERS! OH AND WITCHES ( and any religion other than yours) BURN IN HELL!)
    But I’m not in charge… except of my mouth and own solace and peace.


    • Oh, there are some atheists and agnostics who do “spew” their views openly. Happens in all topics in life. But, for the most part, I think we’re more quiet and subdued. We realize that it is a belief from within oneself and must happen that way – never because we tell anyone to. It is all about respect.


    • LOL.. of course not. I may change this over to Cafe Press. I found I like that site better. But I’m leaving everything on Zazzle that I already have there. Doesn’t cost me anything.


      • Okay. Conversation today has completely worn me out. I am going to just try reading a few blogs without saying much else. I will stop by probably for your parting shot, but I will probably just hit like. 😉


  4. I feel sorry for anyone who is so detached from anything resembling spirituality that they would actually wear a shirt that equates religion with pedophilia.

    “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.” – Ephesians 4:18


    • Oh, puhleeeaze. You’re the one that equated the the two together. All this is meant to be that some of us don’t want religion shoved down our throats no more than you would want someone tossing their penis around your children. That’s how many of us atheists feel – religion is a vile belief. It was created waaaaaay back to explain the unknown, the stars, the moon, the sun, etc. After thousands of years passed, and man evolved in intelligence, man realized what a powerful product they had and the control freaks used it only for no other reason than greed and control.


  5. Hi. Sorry you got frustrated. I do have the comments set up to moderate first. This is entirely to filter out the spammers. Once a comment has been approved, though, then that person is open to comment without moderation. If it’s not spam, I’ll approve about 99.9% of the comments. One I did not because it sounded like something from a white supremacy site. It was very derogatory and hateful. I’m open to free speech – but just have some common sense.

    Anyway, I don’t see another comment from you in any of my admin boxes. I’m sorry you went through all the trouble and then your comment didn’t post. They will now, though, since I have approved you. FYI… I’ve had this same thing happen to me more than once. What I do now is before I submit the comment, and do a CONTROL+A (select all) then CONTROL+C (copy). This way if something happens I have the comment in my clipboard so I can just paste it back in. Another way I comment now, which is my preferred way, is I type out my comment in a notepad first. For one, it’s just easier to read. I’m not trying to re-read everything through a little window that won’t show everything I just entered. And secondly, like the copy/paste, I have it available if something happens when posting the comment.

    I am glad you like my blog. Please keep coming back! I don’t post as much as I used to, but I bounce in from time-to-time.


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