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Hilarious Sports Photos and Funny Faces

When an athlete is caught up in the moment, the last thing they think about is the look on their face. Lucky for them, cameras are always on the sidelines ready to take a photo to capture that moment for the athlete.

Here are some of the better moments forever caught and frozen in time.


“… I could have danced all night…”


“What’s that you say? You have a toothache? Here, let me check for you.”


Doing the Twist??


“Ewwww! Oh, puuuh-leeeze! Get that nasty, dirty ball away from me!”


And here is a very rare case of four soccer players all suffering from narcolepsy all at the same moment.


With much practice, Chuck and David perfected the ability to balance the ball on Chuck’s toes and David’s head.


Suddenly – without warning – the players started a Conga Dance Line.


“I told you to get out and NEVER come back!”


In the middle of the rugby game, Jose decided to demonstrate his martial arts moves.


“And that’s how you sneak into the game…”


Doesn’t it actually take a conscious effort to create the tube shape with your tongue?


“My balls! My balls!!”


“Seriously! How the hell am I supposed to guard this giant?Ā  Only way I can block the ball is if they pass it to her naval!”


“OMG!!! A mouse!”


WARNING: Never take ex-lax before a diving competition. You never know when it’s going to kick in.


“How the hell did my foot get there???”


Amazing! We are now witnessing a very rarely seen event – the birth of a synchronized swimmer!


“Wha… What is this all over my hands! Is this water?”

Source: Dark Roasted Blend


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