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The Parting Shot for May 18, 2012

Kermit, Miss Piggy and the “Abduction of Psyche
all wrapped up into one
will give you,
“Le Ravissement de Sesame”

Graphic artist: ThreeProngs
Source: Worth1000


  1. Uhmm… this image is really messing with my heads, both the one on my shoulders and that other head too. I’m tempted to feel aroused… but NO! That’s Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog from Sesame Street, which is a kids show! No no no! But they have such attractive bodies, both male and female together (the green is a little distracting) and I feel strangely drawn to imagining… NO! Just NOT going there! Not going there at all!

    Well, I hope that you are happy, Michelle. Cause I’m probably gonna have disturbing dreams tonight because of this!



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